VetChat Vets advocate for desexing of family pets and responsible breeding. Here’s a deep dive into the ins and outs of desexing pets. Who? Every cat, dog, and every-bunny can benefit from desexing. If you bought your pet from someone, and are unsure of their desexing history, then you should look into it immediately. Rescued […]
4 Ways That Pet Tech Can Make Your Puppy Happier
There’s a boom in pet consumer technology such as wearable 24/7 pet monitoring, and new premium digital services promising to enhance your pet’s life and make pet ownership easier. But how will they really help your puppy live a better, safer and healthier life? 1. Telehealth for virtual vet check-ins There’s a growing support for […]
Coming Clean On Your Dogs Bathtime
Giving your dog a bath will cleanse their skin of dirt, debris and pollens. It can also be used as a great way to deliver medication to the skin when needed. It can also remove natural oils from the coat, and even cause irritation of the skin. So how often should I bath my dog? […]
Is One Or Two Puppies Better For Our Family?
ASK DR.CLAIRE We’re a family of four (kids aged 8 and 10). Is one or two pups better? One or two dogs is a really tough decision. There’s no easy answer as it really depends on your exact situation, as well as the temperament of the pups. Personally, I have one dog and would find […]
5 Reasons To Scoop The Poop
Cleaning up after your pet is largely voluntary and when no-one is looking, some people can get a little lazy. Here are 5 reasons to share if anyone is in any doubt how important it is to scoop the poop: Happy Community. The smell of poop alone is offensive, and finding you’ve stepped in it, even […]
Grass Seeds & Your Pet
Grass seeds seem very innocuous, but really they can be nasty and harmful little things. They are a very common cause of discomfort and pain for our pets, especially dogs. They are shaped like an arrow with a very sharp point and feathered sides, and they can easily burrow through skin and lodge into orifices. […]
Why Is My Cat Shedding So Much Hair?
Shedding of hair is absolutely normal for most cats, provided that they continue to maintain a normal hair coat. Things that can increase hair turnover (more shedding): Poor diet Inflammation due to allergies (fleas/food/environmental: make sure you use a good flea control regularly as fleas are the most common allergy) Bacterial or yeast skin infections […]
7 Tips For a Contented Cat
Cats are an absolute joy to care for, providing fun, companionship and improved health. But to truly be happy, we need our cats to be happy too, so the question begs, ‘what can we do to enhance our furry friends lives?’ There are the basics of cat care: good highly digestible balanced diet, multiple sources […]
Hot Cars And Your Pets
This summer if you must take your pet on a road trip ensure the air conditioner is on and there is adequate ventilation in the car. Always have water available. If you are getting out of the car, even for a few minutes, always keep your pet with you. The sad reality is, pets die […]