cat rubbing on dog

Permethrin In Spot On Treatments Put’s Your Cat At Risk

Permethrin is an insecticide within the pyrethroid family. It is widely used in flea and tick control and is well known to be toxic to cats. Unfortunately this is a commonly reported poisoning in cats. What are the signs of permethrin toxicity? Permethrin toxicity in cats is characterised by tremors, seizures, high body temperature, salivation, […]

dog licking its lips

How To Help Your Dog Enjoy Easter

With the long weekend and Easter approaching, you want to make sure that your dog is getting plenty of the Easter joy, and none of the Easter sads! Avoid Chocolate Prevent a rushed visit to the emergency centre by ensuring your dog has ZERO access to chocolate eggs. Chocolate is toxic to dogs. Avoid Hot […]

fly spray

How To Use Fly Spray With Pets At Home

Summer means there’s no shortage of bugs in the home: ants, cockroaches, spiders, and who knows what else! So when control of these pests are necessary, it’s especially important to consider the safety of your pets when using chemicals. Most regular fly or insect sprays (the kind you buy at the supermarket) are pyrethrin based […]

2 dogs on the rocks

Marine Stingers And Your Dog

When taking your fur kid to the beach this summer know what first aid is needed for your dog in the event of a jellyfish sting, and equally important, how to avoid the stings all together. How do jellyfish sting? The tentacles of the jellyfish attach to the dog and release venom causing a painful […]

dog swimming

Drinking Sea Water Is Dangerous For Your Dog

Taking my dog to the beach is one of my favourite pastimes. It brings me so much joy to see my mate running in and out of the water, fetching the ball and generally loving life. Although I’m writing this post to warn of the dangers of sea water ingestion, I am in no way […]

dog eating a treat

10 Treats For Your Pooch

Dogs love treats, and like every other dog lover I love giving them! The fact is though that treats are exactly that, a treat! They shouldn’t make up more than a small amount of your pets diet (say 10%), and giving the wrong thing can have disastrous consequences for your best mate and your hip […]

dog eating chocolate

Pantry Toxins to Avoid Feeding your Pet

It’s important to remember that our pets may be drawn to foods that we enjoy, but what’s harmless for us can be harmful for them. Stay proactive in safeguarding your furry friend’s health by learning about foods that could pose a danger and ensuring they’re inaccessible. Your dedication could truly be a lifesaver for your […]

dog sitting on the lawn

Snail Bait And Dogs

Snail bait, due to its toxic component called metaldehyde, is a common cause of dog poisoning. It’s commonly seen during Spring and Summer when snail numbers are high and gardeners are trying to control their numbers. They are designed to attract and then kill snails and slugs, problem is they also attract our furry friends who […]

dog looking sad and unwell

Paracetamol Toxicity And Your Pets

Although Paracetamol is a safe and commonly used pain reliever for humans, the same is not true for our pets. Cats and dogs are not little humans and the safety margin for both of them is really low.  Cats – Never okay to give paracetamol Cats are so sensitive to paracetamol that even half a […]