All You Need To Know About Desexing Your Pet

VetChat Vets advocate for desexing of family pets and responsible breeding. Here’s a deep dive into the ins and outs of desexing pets. Who? Every cat, dog, and every-bunny can benefit from desexing. If you bought your pet from someone, and are unsure of their desexing history, then you should look into it immediately. Rescued […]

kitten waking up

Kitten Just Sleeps And Drinks Kitty Milk

ASK DR CLAIRE My 3 week old kitten just sleeps and drinks kitty milk. Is that normal? It’s normal for young kittens to sleep a lot. Actually it’s normal for most cats to sleep a lot! As a ballpark, kittens can sleep anywhere between 15-20 hours per day (even more in really young kittens). The […]