What Not To Eat (For Fur Kids) This Easter

Did you know that two of our favourite Easter foods are highly toxic for dogs?
Hot cross buns and chocolate stashes are notoriously sought after by pups, however this is no time to play family vacuum cleaner.
1. Hot Cross Buns
Sultanas and raisins (and all grapes) are toxic to dogs. The toxin they contain is a bit of a mystery, but we do know that it can affect and reduce kidney function. It’s serious.
The reaction varies from one pup to another, but in some of the worst cases, it only takes a few sultanas to cause injury. The reaction is often delayed, so you might not see signs of toxicity for 1-2 days.
Signs of toxicity include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Lethargy
- Depression
- More drinking
- Less (or more) peeing
Treatment of kidney disease is difficult and not always successful. So regardless of the amount consumed, it’s always best to see your Vet as soon as possible.
2. Chocolate (especially dark)
It’s the theobromine and caffeine in chocolate that’s toxic for dogs. The amount is highest in dark and cooking chocolates, followed by milk chocolate, whereas white chocolate has negligible amounts. Did you know as little as 20g of cooking chocolate can cause upset for a 10kg dog? So it really doesn’t take much.
The signs of chocolate toxicity in dogs vary with the amount and type of chocolate that is eaten. Smaller amounts may just result in tummy upset, with vomiting, diarrhoea or tummy pain; whereas larger amounts can cause hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, abnormal heart rhythms and sadly, even death.
So if your dog gets into your Easter chocolate stash, you should call a Vet straight away.
Keep your eyes peeled
As always with toxins, prevention is key. So if the family are enjoying hot cross buns or chocolate eggs this weekend, make sure your pup stays safely confined in his or her safe spot, and keeps a safe distance at all times. Reward with big cuddles and a treat of their own afterwards. (Watch out for those human kids too, who love to share food!)