Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Dog During the Hottest Summer on Record

Summer has officially arrived! As temperatures soar, it’s crucial to bear in mind that the high temperatures can pose significant risks to our furry friends. Here are five vetted tips to help protect your pooch:
1. Provide Plenty of Shade
Ensure your furry friend has access to a cool, shaded area outdoors. When the temperature soars, it’s best to bring them indoors where air-conditioners and fans can provide relief.
2. Hydration is Key
Offer multiple large containers of fresh, cool water. Consider adding ice cubes in the morning to keep the water refreshing throughout the day. Make sure the water is out of direct sunlight.
3. Time Exercise Wisely
Restrict walks to the very early morning or evening/night when temperatures and walking surfaces are cooler. Avoid strenuous activities during the peak heat of the day.
4. Caution in Cars
Avoid car rides on scorching days, but if necessary, ensure the air conditioner is running and the car is cool before your pet gets in. Never leave them unattended – it only takes a few minutes for a car to rapidly rise in temperature creating an oven like environment.
5. Stay Cool with a Wet Coat
Provide a small plastic pool for your dog to sit in or use a hose to gently wet their coat. This can be a fun and effective way to cool them down. Another option is a water spray bottle, for under the legs, on the belly and the paws for some instant relief.
Bonus Tip! Cool down with ice blocks: Create a refreshing doggy treat by mixing a bit of dry dog food, a dash of Vegemite, and water in an old ice-cream container. Freeze it overnight for a cool, boredom-busting snack.
ALWAYS be on the look out for signs of discomfort or distress. Excessive panting, restlessness, drooling, red gums or vomiting can indicate heat stress. If your pet is displaying concerning signs please see a Vet straight away. Remember, VetChat Vets are on online and ready to help with your pet questions, 24/7.