My dog ate a condom last night and I don’t know what to do. She seems fine but am worried once it gets to her intestines.

Any foreign object has the potential to be dangerous when eaten. Obviously it depends on the size of the object in comparison to your dog, so a condom might be okay to be passed by a full
grown Labrador, but not for example a Chihuahua. While some objects go straight in one end and out the other, there’s also a chance of them getting stuck in the intestines and forming a blockage along the way.

This is called an obstruction of the gut and is really serious (can be life-threatening) if left untreated.

Common symptoms of an obstruction include:

  • Vomiting,
  • Reduced or no appetite,
  • Weakness,
  • Diarrhoea, and
  • Weight loss.

If you are unsure the size of the object, or certainly if you notice any of the above symptoms, please head straight to your local vet for a hands-on assessment.

Abdominal imaging (such as radiography and ultrasound) is often used to help assess where the object is and whether it’s passing through. This will help us reach the best treatment plan which may include being made to vomit the object, monitoring as it passes, or surgery to remove it. 

If you’d like to chat in person, you can get a vet on a live video call or start a chat to discuss in more detail now.

We’re here to help!

Chat soon,

Dr Claire