Ask Dr Claire

Rainbow lorikeet who is happy but has been vomiting constantly

Vomiting in Lorikeets is really just a symptom and can be the result of many underlying causes. In this case, we really need to find the cause of the vomiting so that we can treat your bird’s problem (not just the symptom). This will help us reach the best treatment plan too.
Some of the underlying causes of vomiting in a bird might be:

  • Infectious disease (bacteria, yeast)
  • Intestinal obstruction (such as foreign bodies ie toys, bedding material, wood)
  • Motility disorders
  • Toxins
  • Metabolic diseases

It’s not uncommon for a bird to eat foreign material and this can result in obstruction (partial or complete) if it gets lodged in the gut and can’t move through.

A hands-on examination from your local avia vet would be a great place to start. They may even recommend a blood test to assess base health. Abdominal imaging (such as radiography and ultrasound) is often used in cases of vomiting to better see what’s going on in the abdomen.

If you’d like to chat in person, you can get a vet on a live video call or start a chat to discuss in more detail now.

We’re here to help!

Chat soon,

Dr Claire