Mushrooms can make your dog really sick when they are eaten, and even cause the loss of your beloved pet. There are many species of mushrooms, and many of these... read more →
The concept of 'healthy weight' can be confusing for humans and animals alike. Mostly, because we are all individuals with slightly (or hugely) differing nutritional requirements when it comes to... read more →
Whilst very disagreeable to us, many dogs and cats will eat their own (or others) poop. So why do they do it? Well popular belief is that it indicates there’s... read more →
Cleaning up after your pet is largely voluntary and when no-one is looking, some people can get a little lazy. Here are 5 reasons to share if anyone is in any... read more →
All dog lovers surely have experience with brown patches of grass over the lawn in their dog’s favourite pee spots, but do you know why it happens? Well, the answer... read more →
Turmeric is arguably the latest herb fad, but it has been around and used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It's well known for it’s golden yellow colour... read more →
Fertilisers are toxic to both cats and dogs. However, it’s mainly dogs that are affected specifically owing to their scavenging nature. There are so many types of fertiliser, they generally... read more →
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is very common in dogs in Australia and especially prevalent in some breeds (most famously the gorgeous Dachshunds). Get proactive to keep your mates back healthy... read more →
Grass seeds seem very innocuous, but really they can be nasty and harmful little things. They are a very common cause of discomfort and pain for our pets, especially dogs.... read more →
So what do we know about coconut oil? It’s a source of fat that is rich in medium chain fatty acids. It’s well known to have properties that are: Anti-inflammatory... read more →
When your dog is going to meet another dog at the dog park, the way you facilitate this is really important. Should you have one on the lead? Both? Neither?... read more →
There’s nothing more beautiful and lucky than to be able to love your dog for the longest possible time by having them exist into their senior years. Normal ageing would... read more →
What a dog’s dry nose really means, is a question commonly posed to Vets. It’s often thought the nose denotes a pet’s health status, and that a dry, warm nose... read more →
Many dogs and cats eat grass. There's a lot of speculation as to why, but actually little evidence. Popular theories include that they have a dietary deficiency (ie. fibre), that... read more →
We do know that dogs experience a type of sleep phase known as ‘rapid eye movement’ sleep (REM), and that REM is also a stage of humans sleep, which is... read more →