How To Help Your Dog Enjoy Easter

With the long weekend and Easter approaching, you want to make sure that your dog is getting plenty of the Easter joy, and none of the Easter sads!
- Avoid Chocolate
Prevent a rushed visit to the emergency centre by ensuring your dog has ZERO access to chocolate eggs. Chocolate is toxic to dogs. - Avoid Hot Cross Buns
Make sure your dog cannot get any hot cross buns. These are full of sultanas and raisins, which are toxic to your dog. Even when only a few sultanas are eaten, they have the potential to cause kidney disease in your dog. - Morning Exercise
Schedule in your daily exercise at the start of the day so that they are nice and tired for when people arrive or for when you leave! Do something new or exciting like visit a dog friendly beach or organise a play date at the local park. - Good Treats
Prepare some long lasting treats to keep your dog occupied when you are not attending to them! Food filled Kongs, also try air dried kangaroo tendons or new toys. - Definitely No Easter Egg Hunting
If there’s an easter hunt make sure your mate is not partaking. They should be restrained in a safe place elsewhere and distracted. If it’s in your home, count the eggs and know where they are, so that you can know that all are accounted for at the end of the hunt!
Check the opening hours of your local Veterinary clinic and know where your nearest emergency centre is just in case.