Ask Dr Claire

The last few weeks my dog has been throwing up her biscuits and grass every morning, and she drinks alot of water could it be her food or something more serious?

In short, it’s not normal to vomit daily, nor is it to drink more than usual. And yes, this could be serious.

Both are really just symptoms and can be the result of many underlying causes.

In this case, we really need to find the cause of the vomiting and drinking, so that we can treat your dog’s problem (not just the symptoms). This will help us reach the best treatment plan too.

Some of the common underlying causes of increased drinking in a dog might be:

  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • Cushings disease
  • Kidney disease

A hands-on examination from your local vet would be a great place to start, and as soon as possible. They may recommend a blood and urine test as a great way to assess your dog’s base health. Abdominal imaging (such as radiography and ultrasound) is often used in cases of vomiting as well.

If you’d like to chat in person, you can book a live video call or start a chat to discuss in more detail, as soon as possible.

We’re here to help!

Chat soon,

Dr Claire

in DogsHealth Tags: polydipsiavomiting

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